Venkat Sravan Kumar Reddy Yarasani

Digital Specialist Engineer at Infosys Limited, India

Venkat Sravan Kumar Reddy Yarasani is a Digital Specialist Engineer at Infosys Ltd. in Bengaluru, India. He holds a Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science from Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Bengaluru with a CGPA of 7.61. He has extensive experience in Python programming and has worked on projects in areas such as data extraction, web scraping, natural language processing, and database management. Sravan has also received several certifications from Infosys in areas such as Python, RPA, and Snowflake. He has published a research paper on stock market prediction and has also presented at IEEE. Sravan is well-versed in various technologies such as Web Scraping, Robotic Process Automation, and Shell Scripting. He has also served as an executive member of EPIC at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham and as a member of Amritavarsham64.


Digital Specialist Engineer

Infosys Limited, Bengaluru, India

- Worked on accelerate tasks to develop a Python program to extract data from multiple intraserver sources and generate a structured data format for further analysis.
- Managing data and warehousing through Snowflake.
- Designing and enhancing Talend jobs for new features and optimised runs.
- Developed a Python script to automate job runs in a pre-production environment as per schedule to reduce costs and improved customizable alerts.
- Developed a Python script to compare multi-twin delimited data files, validate and yield the differences without any key column.
- Developed a Python automation tool to monitor, track, record, and send alerts for delayed production jobs with the detailed report attached through the mail, thus saving human efforts and costs.
- Rise Insta Award winner [Nov ‘22] for consistent performance and outstanding commitment.
- Developed multiple processes to automate admin tasks and RBAC in Snowflake.
- Implemented SF optimization techniques which eventually brought down the costs by 31%.
- Rise Lead The Way Award winner [June ‘23] for exceptional performance.
- Rise Torch Bearer Award winner [Jan ‘24] for exceptional performance and innovations.

Aug 2021 - Present

Artificial Intelligence Intern

Acceleron Labs Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru, India

- Worked on different mini projects on Web Scraping, Natural Language Processing (NLP), and Text-to-Speech conversion.
- Explored the possibilities of Python programming language and Google Colab for the implementation of the projects.

Apr 2020 - Dec 2020

Executive Member - EPIC

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Bengaluru, India

Worked with several video, audio, and photo editing softwares to enhance the sources from different events along with multi-club collaboration for capturing the moments.

Jul 2018 - Jun 2019


Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri, India

As a volunteer, I was put forward to serve and contribute on the occasion of Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi’s 64th birth anniversary.

October 2017


Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham

Bachelor’s in Computer Science and Engineering

CGPA: 7.61/10.0

2017 - 2021

Academic Projects

Telegram Chatbot for Financial Analytics and Information Delivery


Tools and Technologies: Jupyter Notebook, Python3, Web Scraping, Selenium Automation, Chrome Web driver, Machine Learning Algorithms, Telegram

Abstract: This project aims to predict the future value of the financial stocks of a company. The main idea of the conducted survey study is to bring out the ideas related to the existing solution, while having the best accuracy and least error with appropriate parameters for the stock market prediction and information retrieval with a very affordable and approachable system for financial planning, risk profiling and stock prediction in one platform as a one-point destination for financial information and analytics. A recent survey by Script box of one of the major asset management companies, which is also an online mutual fund platform, found that about 72 percent of Indians are not aware of how to put aside their investments in order to achieve Financial Freedom. This includes people having no knowledge about personal finance, including risk profiling and investment instruments like stock market here. We are choosing stock market since this is one of the best instruments for our investments to work towards achieving Financial Freedom. In stock market prediction, the main aim is to predict the future value of a financial company stock. This has been done previously by few of machine learning algorithms, but our project is aiming on achieving fundamental analysis, rather than only technical where only previous closing values are taken to account. Whereas, in fundamental analysis we take into account a few more attributes including in earnings of the company before tax, Return on equity and few other factors.

Jan 2021 - Jun 2021

Webpage Specific Chatbot


Tools and Technologies: Jupyter Notebook, Python3, Web Scraping, Natural Language Processing, Selenium Automation, Chrome Web driver

Abstract: Webpages are the sources of information in this vast internet world. Nowadays, for extracting some data, the webpages are becoming the key player. There are so many webpages containing information related to a specific categorized topic. Also, the text present on those webpages is vast and expressive. It takes minutes, hours, and even days to read and analyze the data. Our project aim is to make the user feel natural and comfortable to analyze the webpage, and the information contained in it. It’s an interactive platform for a user with a computer. Here, the webpage URL is taken as input, and the output can be the answers (both text and audio output) for the questions asked by the user and some interactive sentences.

Sep 2020 - Dec 2020

YouTube Video Content Extraction and Summarization with Automation


Tools and Technologies: Jupyter Notebook, Python3, Web Scraping, Natural Language Processing, Selenium Automation, Chrome Web driver

Abstract: Data analysis and mining are playing a crucial role in today's business world of innovative organizations. The data is one of the essential factors to analyze trends and marketing strategies in business. Moreover, most of the data available on earth are unstructured sources, i.e., audio, images, images in motion(videos), and many followed. These unstructured data sources also contain information that is furthermore used for data analysis and learning. Most of the online videos we see in our day to-day life have more data to get information on a specific range of topics. YouTube videos can also be used as unstructured sources to gain knowledge by formatting them in a structured way. In this project, we created a software program that can extract information from the YouTube video. Mainly, there are two types of content collected from the YouTube video: video details like title of the video, views, likes and dislikes count, tags linked, description attached to the video, and many other elements seen in YouTube videos webpage. The other type of content is a summary of the video based on the text obtained from speech attached to the YouTube video.

Aug 2020 - Dec 2020

Library Management Web Application


Tools and Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Firebase Firestore

Abstract: The purpose of this software development project is to create a new application called: "Library Management System". The client for this project wishes to enter the PC-based internet environment. The Library Management System will be PC-base with internet, allowing library users to search for books, view previously borrowed book, manage wallet, extend currently borrowed booking and library staff members to manage the book inventory and user database. The application will provide the following capabilities:

The application will be access via internet on a PC/Mobile at any place. User will be able to manage library user accounts including updating details, extend the booking of currently held book, adding and viewing balance in wallet and also view previous borrowed book details. Library staff will be able to manage the book inventory database including remove, change, and add. The application will provide search function on books based on genre, title, author, year.

The project's client has determined that this application will provide the following benefits:
• Provide additional flexibility and convenience to the library users.
• Provide better reliability and security of the library information.
• Provide a more productive environment for the library staff member.
• Reduce the cost of the library operations.

The availability of information at any time in any place.

Jan 2020 - Jun 2020

LinkedIn Data Scraping and e-Mail Automation


Tools and Technologies: Jupyter Notebook, Python3, Web Scraping, Selenium Automation, Chrome Web driver

Abstract: Web scraping is a technique used to extract data from websites. The extracted data can be saved in a structured format for further analysis. On implementing web scraping technique in this application, we can make it to extract the data from a particular set of profiles and store them in a table (csv) format. Once the data get collected, it is stored in a table format, data obtained is shared to an organization or persons e-mail ID according to the requirement. The data can be used further by the organization to make analysis and it makes the work easier for them.

May 2020 - Jun 2020

Donor Prediction using Supervised Machine Learning


Tools and Technologies: Jupyter notebook, Python3, Machine Learning Algorithms

Abstract: In this project, our goal is to correctly predict whether a given individual makes a profit of greater than $50,000 or less than $50,000 based on a set of attribute features which are already provided from the adult_income dataset from Kaggle. This model can help non-profit organizations which certainly depends on donation to correctly predict the donation that the organization has to request an individual based on the individual records. So, with the data available we can come to conclusion that an individual can be a donor or not.

Feb 2020 - May 2020

Knowledge Cart – DBMS based reward learning and e-Commerce platform


Tools and Technologies: MySQL, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and PHP

Abstract: To make learning and gaining knowledge a continuous and entertaining process for every student or a learner. This application is based on learn to earn concept, where a connection is established indirectly between a student and a seller, who sells any kind of stationary products. The students have to answer very simple questions during quiz to gain credits which are used to buy stationary products from different sellers through this application.

Aug 2019 - Nov 2019

Snake and Ladders with Message Box - Java Applet based board game


Tools and Technologies: Java (Java Applet), Eclipse Neon

Abstract: The concept was developed from the traditional snakes and ladders game; a pair of persons can play this game. The message box was added benefit for the project which will showcase several actions that occurs while playing game such as – player details, snakes, ladders, cell number, victory, etc. instead designing actual snakes and ladders on the board. The dice can be operated by pressing the left arrow (Player-1) and right arrow (Player-2) using the physical keyboard. Finally who can reach the 64th cell first will get the victory title.

Sep 2018 - Nov 2018


A Digital Assistant for Stock Market Prediction - IEEE

A research paper publication focuses on predicting the future value of a company's financial stocks to overcome uncertainty in the stock market and encourage investment. It uses fundamental analysis and a couple of risk profiling and stock forecasting into a single system for financial and data analysis. The paper aims to improve existing solutions without sacrificing accuracy.

December 2021


  • Object Oriented Programming using Python and Java
  • ETL, Database Operations & Querying: Talend Open Studio, Snowflake, Data Warehousing
  • Web Scraping
  • Robotic Process Automation
  • Shell Scripting
  • Machine Learning algorithms
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  • Team collaboration and coordination
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Project management and execution
  • Time management and prioritization
  • Adaptability and flexibility to new technologies
  • Attention to detail and problem-solving skills
  • Commitment and dedication to work
  • Initiative and self-motivation

Awards and Certifications

  • Rise Torch Bearer Award winner [Jan ‘24] for exceptional performance and innovations.
  • Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundementals
  • Rise Lead The Way Award winner [June ‘23] for exceptional performance
  • Rise Insta Award winner [Nov ‘22] for consistent performance and outstanding commitment
  • Infosys Certified Python Associate
  • Infosys Certified RPA Professional
  • Infosys Certified Snowflake Data Warehouse Developer
  • Infosys Certified Talend Open Studio for Data Integration Developer
  • Infosys Global Agile Developer Certification
  • Infosys Certified MySQL Associate


  • English
  • Hindi
  • Telugu


  • Chess
  • History
  • Museums
  • Science & Technology

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