Venkat Sravan Kumar Reddy Yarasani
Venkat Sravan Kumar Reddy Yarasani is a Digital Specialist Engineer at Infosys Ltd. in Bengaluru, India. He holds a Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science from Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Bengaluru with a CGPA of 7.61. He has extensive experience in Python programming and has worked on projects in areas such as data extraction, web scraping, natural language processing, and database management. Sravan has also received several certifications from Infosys in areas such as Python, RPA, and Snowflake. He has published a research paper on stock market prediction and has also presented at IEEE. Sravan is well-versed in various technologies such as Web Scraping, Robotic Process Automation, and Shell Scripting. He has also served as an executive member of EPIC at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham and as a member of Amritavarsham64.